Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Begining our trip of a lifetime

FINALLY we were on our way.
 We stopped at Little America in
Wyoming and I found this wonderful straw hat.
That made for a great start to our trip.

This very tall statue of Aberham Lincoln is at the highest
point on Interstate 80.

Welcome to Nebraska

                                          The first night we stayed in Sidney Nebraska,
                                       at the World Hedquarters of Cabelas, campground.

                                      The next day we found this city park along the way
                              so we stopped to eat lunch and play on the playground toys.

Mom was swinging and I was like a monkey
climbing on the ropes

Just after lunch we entered Kansas, looks a lot like Nebraska.

We found the Geographic Center of the US.
We could have gone anywhere from there.

Down the road we came across the only original
Pony Express Station still standing.
We went on a tour and saw the inside, boy am I glad
I wasn't a rider. They had it pretty tough.

We were looking for a campground and stopped at a
little grocery store in Belleville Kanas.  We asked the clerk
where we could camp and she told us to camp at
Rocky Pond the town park, That it was free and had showers.
It was wonderful and we pitched our tent 5 ft from the shore.

We found the interstate and headed for Kansas City.
 We got off just to drive around. 
Well we ended up clear down by KU. 
 I am sure glad for our GPS. 
It got us back on track and across the river into  Missouri.

We went looking for the Katy Trail State Park.
Well it was just what it says, a trail.
We were stopped along side a small road looking at the map,
when a car full of highschool girls came by and stopped and asked us if we needed help.
Well mom said yes (you all know I'm a guy) and they said to go back to the last stop sign
and turn left toward Franklin. At the stop sign is a convience store so I pulled in and when I got out there was an older man standing there.  I asked him if he knew where we could camp he pointed at apickup and said ask that guy, he owns the only campground in this area.
I talked to him and I paid him for camping and he gave me the code for the bathroom
 and a hot shower.Wow is that good luck or what. We were the only ones there.
Mom saw a deer and we slept like logs.

In Franklin there was an old caboose.
I had mom take a picture so I could send it to Mike Graham.

The corn there was taller than me.

Mom found a new friend waiting for her
 at the Nostalgiaville USA store.

On to St Louis Missouri and the
Gateway Arch.  It was very impressive.
We went up inside a very small elevator car.
You could see for miles. When we looked down
the people looked smaller than ants.

This is mom enjoying the very large Mississippi River,
 note the riverboat just to her right.

We stopped in Boonville Ill. to camp at a Conservation Campground.
We found a very secluded campground with no one else there.
The camp hosts came over from their RV campground and took our money and
said we were able to use the hot showers in the RV section, yea. 
It was by a lake and we went down to the boat launch and boy was the water dirty.

I guess I'm not to good at self portriats.

After 4 wonderful days we arrived at Susan's home in Radcliff Kentucky.
It is by Louisville Ky. Well we had to detour to Evansville Indiana
to visit the Joann's store before crossing the Ohio river into Kentucky.

And waiting for us was the newest addition to our grandchildren.
This is William and I'm not sure weather it was him
or Grandma who was the most excited to see each other.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Going to Seattle for Mother's Day

Our trip to Washington was fun and exciting
We went to Hood Canal and in just a short time I had the fire pit cleaned out.

We went to visit our friend Mike Graham.
He had just lost his oldest daughter Shelly. They didn't have a funeral so we went to his son Tracy's home and had a great visit with the family. Mike has lost a lot of weight and is still losing.
We also went to visit Gary Cadwallader.  He was in the last stages of cancer.  It was great to visit him.  He was a great friend and he will be missed.
We also went to visit Roger Neidinger who was to best man at my Wedding.  He is doing great and lives in Sequim. Talking about old times sure brought back a lot of memories.

Frank and Heather were able to get a load to Seattle
The were carrying Military Trucks to Fort Lewis.
The got to Grandma's late Saturday night just before Mothers Day

We all Went to the waterfront in Seattle on Monday. 
Barb was feeling pretty good by then and is happy to report she is OK.

Both Grandma and Barb are doing real good.

 Nancy was trying to make the seagulls jealous
 by eating the fries before they could get them.

We got to go and visit Ricks new home.  It is under construction in Maple Valley, and it is really nice.  I didn't have my camera so I dont have any pictures of it, but it has 3   2-car garages. WoW.  The inside is beautiful and the home sits on 3.5 acres in the forest.

Back home We had dinner at Penny and Bryces. 

 Frank and Heather made it back safe.

Don and Charlynn were there
Jeff and Nanette came and brought Matt, boy is he growing up.

 My mom came with us, we all had a great time

Our day at Penney and Bryces was great.  We had hamburgers,
 I guess you all know how good they were

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We had Chrismas at home before we went to the
airport to fly to Massachuttes for the holiday's.

Mom had the knitting kids came over for a Christmas Party

In December We had Bryce and Penny over to dinner

for their birthday's. It turned out to be a great time for

all of us.

Friday, January 20, 2012